Asteroid Astrology: National

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All the President’s Witches

With Nicnevin’s Night on the horizon, November 10th, named for an ancient Scottish goddess of witches, I thought now might be a good time to take an in-depth look at the leading players in the latest version of what Donald Trump terms the “Witch Hunt” against him. Three of these “witches”, like Macbeth’s cauldron-stirring trio, will be giving the first public testimony in the “blasted heath” of the House Impeachment Investigation next week, starting Wednesday, November 13th. These are acting US Ambassador to Ukraine William Taylor, State Department deputy assistant secretary and Ukraine expert George Kent, and ousted US Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch.

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The Halloween Impeachment: Trick or Treat?

On Thursday, October 31st 2019, the US House of Representatives voted to advance with a formal impeachment proceeding, after a month of closed-door sessions garnered “flawed process” arguments from congressional Trump supporters. Halloween was perhaps the perfect date for an escalation of what Trump terms the “Witch Hunt” against him.

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Of Baseball and Hardball

Two competitions of gargantuan proportions reached simultaneous apogees on October 22, 2019, as the World Series of Baseball kicked off in Houston, while in the nation’s capital the House Impeachment inquiry garnered the testimony of a key diplomat involved in the Ukraine “arms for dirt” scandal. While the outcome of both contests is still in doubt as of this writing, it’s beginning to look more and more like the underdogs may emerge the winners.

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Trump at 1000: The “Very Stable Genius” Displays His “Great and Unmatched Wisdom”

On October 16, 2019, Donald Trump “celebrated” a millennium of days in the Oval Office, which means the rest of us have suffered with this administration for a thousand earthly rotations. The miracle is that we’re still standing, if barely.


Trump commemorated the day with a meltdown in front of Congressional leaders, including the self-release of a photo showing him being chastised by Nancy Pelosi; the leaked release of an admonitory letter to Turkish President Erdogan that reads like a Third Grade composition; the self-bombing of hastily abandoned US bases in northern Syria to prevent their use by enemy forces; the House Impeachment Hearings testimony of a chief State Department adviser who had resigned the week before in protest over Trump’s Ukraine shenanigans; and a Jerry-Springer-style meeting at the White House between the bereaved parents of a British citizen killed in a driving accident and the US diplomat’s wife who killed him.


Is Donald Trump nuts? Or a genius? Or crazy like a fox? Or cracking under the pressures of the Oval Office?

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Police Shooting: Murder Verdict for Guyger

On October 1, 2019, a Dallas jury returned a verdict of “guilty” in the mistaken identity shooting case of Officer Amber Guyger, who killed her apartment complex neighbor in 2018. Off duty after a grueling 13 hour shift, Officer Guyger entered what she thought was her own apartment, actually one floor below, only to find Botham Jean, her black 26-year-old neighbor, sitting on the couch eating ice cream.


Naturally, she shot him.

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Trump & Karma

Karma can be defined as the results of our actions – what we put out, comes back to us in some linked form. It is the metaphysical equivalent of Newtonian cause and effect – every action has a related reaction. It has been said that the wheel of justice grinds slowly, but exceedingly fine. Karma is intimately related to justice in that it has a component of impartial equilibrium and in time, invariably brings us what we deserve, based on our prior behaviors. Also related is Nemesis, divine retribution, an equalizing force which rectifies the balance and resets the counters of karma.

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