Tag archive: Salacia

bibi cover

Bibi’s Swindle Return

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu was indicted on charges of corruption on November 21st, just as asteroid Swindle returned to its natal degree of 26 Virgo. The embattled Netanyahu has been fighting for his political life for months, with two inconclusive general elections in April and September 2019 showing no clear victor, and neither Bibi nor his chief rival, Benny Gantz, able to form a collation government, leaving Israel essentially leaderless. Head of the center-right Likud Party, Netanyahu has been PM since 2009, following an earlier stint in the late ‘90s, but has been under investigation for corruption for almost three years, before Israel’s Attorney General filed charges of bribery, fraud and breach of trust. Netanyahu, a staunch Trump ally, has characterized the indictment as a “witch hunt” and attempted coup (gee, I wonder where he got that idea from?).

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EDV cover

Jeffrey Epstein’s Legal Deja Vu

On Saturday, July 6th, 2019, as he was returning from Europe, billionaire investor and repeat child molester Jeffrey Epstein was again arrested on charges of sex trafficking minors. Epstein’s prior arrest on similar charges in 2005 had led to a controversial non-prosecution agreement with federal attorneys in Florida, resulting in a light 13-month jail sentence, for which he received a twelve-hour work-release six days a week. After his arrest at Teterboro Airport investigators found a cache of thousands of photos of nude young girls on CDs in his home.


Epstein is accused of trafficking dozens, perhaps hundreds, of underage girls, some as young as 14, who were paid initially for massage, then sex acts, and used to recruit others. The alleged crimes were committed both at Epstein’s Pam Beach, Florida estate and his Manhattan home. In 2008 Epstein pled guilty to lesser state prostitution charges after secret meetings with then US Attorney Alexander Acosta, currently serving as Donald Trump’s Secretary of Labor.

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MJ cover

Michael Jackson: Ten Years Later

AAA honors the tenth anniversary of the passing of the “King of Pop” with this reprint of his biography, originally published in the August 2009 Daykeeper Journal. Minor additions and corrections have been made, including an analysis of the recent release of “Leaving Neverland“, a documentary chronicling Jackson’s alleged sexual abuse of children.

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TSR19 cover

Donald Trump’s 2019 Solar Return: Jupiter to the Rescue

In last year’s Solar Return, I opined that 2018 was the critical time – if he made it through that solar year, Donald Trump would likely finish his term in office, and could possibly be re-elected. Despite the Mueller Report’s scathing details of impropriety and actions which would be judged criminal coming from anyone not shielded by the office of the presidency, Trump has hung on. Impeachment in the House may still be on the table, but with a GOP majority in the Senate which refuses to budge on its support for the 45th president, conviction and removal from office is unlikely.


Reflecting that earthly reality, the skies seem to have parted somewhat for Trump, and the 2019 Solar Return puts a more favorable light on his prospects going forward. Believe me, I evince no pleasure in reporting this, but an old friend which has sustained The Donald since birth is once again stepping into the breach, fortifying the Lucky Schmuck with its substantial staying power and grace.

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MR cover

Mueller Report Submitted

News broke at 5 PM EDT on March 22nd that Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller had finally submitted his report on Russian interference and collusion with the Trump Campaign in the 2016 US Presidential Election to Attorney General William Barr. It may take weeks, even months, for the full contents of the report to become public, if they ever do. AG Barr is only required under current law to submit a precis of the findings to Congress, which will likely lead to subpoenas and protracted legal battles, possibly rising as high as the US Supreme Court before they are resolved.


But in the meantime we can see the astrological groundwork for the report mirrored in the skies at the moment of its delivery. As ever, the stars say it all. Mueller was appointed Special Counsel on 16 May 2017, and we’ll reference that chart as well.

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BO cover

Betting on Beto? Don’t.

Beto O’Rourke officially announced his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for president on March 14th, in a taped announcement that was aired online and in several media outlets simultaneously, such as MSNBC. I kinda sorta hate technology at times like these, because it overly complicates matters, astrologically speaking.


Like, where do you cast a chart for an online announcement? I chose El Paso, Texas, since in the 3+ minute statement, O’Rourke specifically invites supporters to join him “here in El Paso” for a kick-off rally on the 30th. The implication is that, whenever it was actually recorded, the filming was done in El Paso, his home base, though since the release time there was 4 AM, and Beto was pressing the flesh in Iowa on the campaign trail a few hours later, I doubt he was in El Paso and awake at the time the statement aired.

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