Tag archive: Salacia

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Asteroid Anatomy: The Kavanaugh-Ford Hearing

As I write this Judge Brett Kavanaugh is giving testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding the allegations of sexual misconduct made against him by Professor Christine Blasey Ford and others, ranging from indecent exposure to sexual assault and attempted rape. It’s too early to know the outcome of this proceeding, but we can anatomize the hearing itself based on the time it convened and significant moments throughout. I’m going to break it down into several sections based on the planetary patterns present in the sky on the day.

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Kavanaugh’s Meteor

When I wrote the initial profile of Judge Brett Kavanaugh at the time of his nomination in July, I suggested that nothing short of a meteor colliding with Capitol Hill during his confirmation hearings could prevent his becoming the next Justice of the US Supreme Court.


Well, I was a few days off in the timing, but enter the meteor: Christine Blasey Ford, who on Sunday September 16th revealed herself to be the woman accusing Kavanaugh of what amounts to attempted rape, 35 years ago at a High School party, when both were in their teens.

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Omarosa, With Thorns

On August 14th 2018 former “Apprenticebete noire and White House aide Omarosa Manigault-Newman released “Unhinged: An Insider’s Account of the Trump White House”, her tell-all expose of nearly a year as Assistant to the President and Director of Communications for the Office of Public Liaison. Say that ten times fast. It’s a lot of words to identify a position that was difficult to define, but seems to have been related to her prior work with the Trump Campaign as Director of African-American Outreach.

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From Russia with Love: Trump’s Moscow Ties Revisited

With the increased attention being paid to Trump’s Russian connections after that soul-crushing joint press conference with Vladdie Putin in Helsinki last Monday, I thought it was time to review what we know astrologically about Donald Trump’s oligarch obsession. We’ve given bits and pieces of this over the past year in several articles, but nowhere has it been assembled into a comprehensive overview.


Until now.

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Donald Trump’s Annual Performance Review

With his background in real estate, Donald J. Trump is doubtless aware of the concept of a “balloon payment”, a one-time last-minute huge increase in disbursement before a contract term expires. If the President’s outrageous remarks at the breakfast with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on July 11th, and his subsequent trashing of British Prime Minister Theresa May in a tabloid interview on July 12th, didn’t constitute just such a payment immediately before his annual performance review with his boss Vladimir Putin, then I don’t know what would.

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Of Charities and Children

Two Trump-related stories came into focus in mid-June, just as the President celebrated his 72nd birthday. On the day of, June 14th, New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood gave Trump a rather unusual present, charging his charitable organization, the Trump Foundation, with state and federal charities law violations extending over a decade.


Meanwhile, controversy mounted over the Justice Department’s “zero tolerance” policy on immigration, which has been the cause of children being separated from their parents and held in detention. The debate came to a crescendo over the Father’s Day weekend,

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